Who are the villains here?


Is it odd to have a favorite kind of graffiti? Probably.

But, still, I think train-car graffiti is my favorite.

I understand that it’s vandalism. And that probably the only way to paint a train car involves trespassing. But I still like it.

(My dad recently told me, in sort of Stern Dad voice, that I “needed to make sure to stay off the train’s property” when I was shooting. Because no matter how old I am, I’m still his daughter.)

Lubbock, Texas
photographed 2.20.2009

Posted on December 29, 2013, in Photography and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. I’m really weird about trespassing. I refuse to do so. It’s not cool. I always ask first. However………….when out in the middle of the desert, if I spot a freight train headed towards me, I WILL get out of the car, walk directly up to the tracks, and shoot it as it goes by. Close enough to get a great shot, but not so close that I’m run over 😉


  2. Synchronised graffiti day? Not on purpose, but kind of fun to find graffiti on your blog today too:) Yours is a great deal more mobile than mine, and villainous too


  3. This is way different than my boxcar. When I tagged it it read V!LLA!NS. I could never have made it in Texas.


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