Scene matched my mood


It was one of those gray and sad days where nothing feels quite right. Even the off-kilter light standard matched the way I was feeling.

Levelland, Texas
photographed 11.9.2016

Posted on December 4, 2016, in Photography and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 19 Comments.

  1. Your photo is proof that good things can come from bad. Like the balance of rectangles, but probably more importantly, the mood conveyed.


  2. es gratificante cuando ve una imagen que trasmite, gracias por compartir


  3. That is lonesome and sadness X’s two. Hope you’re doing better!


  4. Yes, it is dark but I still enjoy seeing what you are up to. Hope your mood is better today, Melinda.


  5. I agree with Linda. This is minimalist, and it has a power that so many images lack. Capturing an image like this should lift your spirits – I hope it did.


    • Thank you, Andy. I made this the next day after the US election, when I was just in shock at what at just happened. To be honest, I am not sure if I’m much better now, but I did make arrangements last year with our friend Ehpem, just in case, so I may be living on his sofa for the next 4 years…


  6. Wonderful image, dark or not.


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