Week of Randomness: 2 Boats

I usually try to keep a week or so ahead with blog posts. Lately, though, I’ve been in the middle of a big project at my real job* and there hasn’t been time to get out and make photos to feed these posts. And I’m having internet issues at the house**. And, I am barely able to stay a half-hour ahead of the blog.

So, in a bit of desperation, I dug some stuff out of the archives, things that for whatever reason didn’t make the cut the first time around. I am calling it the Week of Randomness, and the first one is from my 2015 trip to Nova Scotia.

Whale Cove, Nova Scotia***
photographed 7.28.2015

*I know it may be hard to believe that blogging is not actually my real job. But it’s not: I have a whole other gig that has a paycheck and benefits and an office and Important Projects with irrevocable deadlines. In other words, the exact opposite of the blog situation.
**The main issue is that the internet is no longer working.
***These boats were next to this building.

Posted on May 21, 2018, in Photography and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. Oh, goodness, hope you get a bit less busy soon


  2. Richard Owen

    This works for me.


  3. Great shot .. good luck with the internet 😊


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