It used to be something else


I was drawn to this cross from the instant I stepped into El Calvario cemetery: it stood higher than everything but the few trees.

Later, I noticed that the wood had been used before. The wood in the crosspiece is a length of treated lumber, like you’d use for a deck or something that was going to be in contact with the ground; that’s why it has all those little horizontal lines. And the upright was something else, too – see how the parts on either side of the crosspiece are smooth compared to the lower section that’s had something nailed onto it.

A lot of mysteries, here.

Puerto de Luna, New Mexico
photographed 9.21.2013

Posted on September 27, 2013, in Cemetery, Photography and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. There is an abundance of different textures that I find very interesting in this cross. Like the squares at the top section (or did you add those because you needed more rectangles?). It’s a terrific shot.
    While we are on the subject of black skies (?) as I failed to mention in yesterdays post, I do like the black sky. I had an instructor (about 100 years ago) who could not tolerate a black sky in prints. He said all skies have detail in them and he wanted to see it in the prints we submitted. I realized the point he was trying to make and here I am, years later, still remembering what he said. It had nothing to do with a black sky at all. He wanted us to learn how to control the contrast, highlight and shadow detail in print. Then we can have all the black skies we wanted.


    • Believe it or not – but that cross came with those squares at the top!

      I don’t want to argue with your professor, but sometimes skies don’t have detail – no clouds or contrails or anything, just blue. Or, you know, black.

      On the other hand, I’ve only recently realized that I can crop images, which is my own hard-to-get-past lesson from a photography class I took in college (also about 100 years ago) when we weren’t permitted to crop. Anything. Ever.


  2. Love the textures and the black sky. There is a gradation (is that the word?) in the sky. Call it a detail. So nicely isolated.


  3. I wonder if the person memorialised would be pleased with wood recyled as a cross. Might be. Also, in 50 years, will the pressure treated still be there, and the other bit not? Nice textures though, while it lasts.


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