Monthly Archives: October 2018

Caprock Cafe (but not the one you think)

One of our favorite places to grab lunch is the Caprock Cafe. Not this one, though – we actually prefer the one that’s got a roof. And that is still in business. We’re discerning that way.

Gail, Texas
photographed 10.20.2018

A sense of emptiness

That sky! That very unhelpful sign! The day was a success!

Gail, Texas
photographed 10.20.2018

The place was at a crossroads

This old school – now without either students or a roof – is caught right there between the agricultural past and the wind-energy future.

Borden County, Texas
photographed 10.20.2018

Yield: this is bigger than all of us

I took a bit of a road trip the other day, down a small farm road. I was surprised by how many wind turbines had sprouted in the fields.

Borden County, Texas
photographed 10.20.2018


My favorite thing in the museum was to watch the shifting silhouettes on the other side of the exhibit space. And then, after a while, I remembered I had a camera with me…

William J. Clinton Library and Museum
Little Rock, Arkansas
photographed 10.8.2018