To quote Liz Lemon: what the what?


I am not one of those people who is scared of clowns. I don’t really like them, and think that they are more than a little bit creepy. But they don’t scare me.

This thing, though? It scared the bejesus out of me. It’s part of a ride at the Panhandle South Plains Fair, and I think it was a kid’s ride (I might have been too scared to really notice many details, but that’s just between us, OK?). I tried this as a black and white, but it failed to convey the HOLY CRAP aspect sufficiently, so here’s a rare color post here on One Day | One Image.

I don’t really like the fair, which you may have picked up on already.

When I was a kid, my mom and her friend Mrs. Cowan (ladies didn’t have first names back then) took their daughters to the fair on an evening when the husbands were out of town. Two moms, three daughters. We rode the bus from somewhere downtown to the fairgrounds. Stayed a while, did whatever we did. Then, when it was dark and late and time to leave, my mom and Mrs. Cowan discovered that the bus wasn’t running any longer. So we stuffed ourselves into one cab for a ride back to the car. The evening did not end on a high note.

You’d think that might have made me hate buses instead of the fair.

Lubbock, Texas
photographed 9.25.2013

Posted on September 28, 2013, in Photography and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 18 Comments.

  1. that is absolutely spectacular, melinda. and i think it was a very good decision to have it in colour 😉


  2. Yeah, I agree, the creep factor is really high on this one. The statue, not the photo. The photo is lovely although I had to look twice to see if I was in the right place.


  3. I cannot put a ‘like’ to this because I agree with you .


  4. Very creepy! And I was just going to bed, but I think maybe I will stay up a bit longer and look at something more restful for a while.


  5. Are you 100% sure it’s a clown? He looks like a crazed pilot to me! Also, is the fair still operating? I hope the answer is no 🙂


  6. oh yeah… that’s damn creepy


  7. Now that is really creepy, Melinda. It’s all in the eyes, too. He’s not thinking spiritual thoughts for sure. And this was a fair for kids!?


    • There were kids’ rides close by but I can’t remember if this was a ride for kids or not. I think it was, though.

      Next year, when my family wants to go to the fair, I am going to look back at this picture, and tell them I’m busy that day!


  8. It is awesomely hideous. A great photograph.
    Reminds me of some of the clowns at Circus, Circus in Vegas. Disturbing clowns lurk far and wide apparently.


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