Grid + dumpsters


Sure, this looks like just a picture of a window grid and some trash dumpsters. It looks so much like that, in fact, that’s even what I titled this post.

But here’s something else: that building is the church my family went to when I was a kid. It felt funny to be back – sort of like I’d never been there before but also like I’d never even left. I saw the windows of my second grade Sunday school class (presided over by the formidable Mrs. Brenneman, whose husband died unexpected when I was in high school and my dad got the call during supper). I saw the lawn where the vacation Bible school kids played before they went inside to have snacks of sugar cookies and KoolAid. The fellowship hall porch where my new husband and I were pelted with birdseed (no rice allowed) after our wedding reception. The store where a kid named Morris would sneak away to during services, to buy candy with his collection plate money.

It was an odd little journey that I went on, for a few minutes the other evening.

Lubbock, Texas
photographed 9.23.2016

Posted on October 3, 2016, in Photography and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Lovely.


  2. Visiting places like this after so many years can bring back a rush of memories. I remember vividly a re-visit to the church where my father was the organist throughout my childhood. My mother sang in the choir. There were so many scenes that flashed before my eyes and I was sure I could hear the sounds of the organ. The place was deathly quiet but it still felt alive in a curious way.


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