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scottish signage

I’m not sure what a “weak road” might actually be, but I guess it’s safe enough to drive on if you’re trying to get to the golf course.

Tobermory, Isle of Mull, Scotland
photographed 11.10.2023



Scotland is many things, including an abundance of textures – walls, windows, mailboxes, traffic cones, signs – all in one handy location.

Tobermory, Isle of Mull, Scotland
photographed 11.10.2023

sound of mull, morning


The morning that the rest of the group hiked to a lighthouse I decided to NOT hike to a lighthouse. Part of it was that I wasn’t keen on hiking on a bunch of black ice, but mostly I felt the call to get some photographs that weren’t going to be similar to what everyone else was going to get.

It sounds pretty anti-social when I write it down, but anyway, here’s the non-lighthouse view that I saw that day…

Tobermory, Isle of Mull, Scotland
photographed 11.10.2023


It might look too pretty to be real. But I promise you that Tobermory really IS this lovely.

Tobermory, Isle of Mull, Scotland
photographed 11.9.2023

behind the shops

Why, yes! I did turn down a small passageway behind some shops. How else would I have known that the slats in the reflection were generally parallel to the handrail on the steps?

Tobermory, Isle of Mull, Scotland
photographed 11.9.2023