Blog Archives

Be the Change

The thing with Dallas is that not many things have a chance to look old – like that new construction right there across from the graffiti place. (In fact, it’s been nearly a year since I went to the graffiti place, and now I’m wondering if it’s even still there. You know what that means, don’t you? Yes – a road trip!)

Dallas, Texas
photographed 4.14.2018

Graffiti Gate, Dallas

My friend Adolfo often serves as my location scout, and he told me about this place in Dallas where there’s graffiti everywhere. Even on a gate, as it turns out.

Dallas, Texas
photographed 4.14.2018


I’ve been to Marathon a lot, but this was the first time I spotted this abandoned cattle pen. It was built from heavy timbers, and clearly intended to last. Which it did: it evidently outlasted the cattle industry out here.

Apparently the clandestine-message industry is still going strong, which I guess is good to know.

Marathon, Texas
photographed 7.14.2018

A shrine, of sorts

It was just an alley, after all. There wasn’t any real reason for it to feel different from any other alley I’ve ever walked down. But the progression of art and the rhythmic fences marking property boundaries gave it a bit of a formal feel. And the longer I stayed there, the more it began to feel special, like Important Things had just happened, and would happen again.

Or maybe paint fumes were getting to me…

along Fabrication Avenue
Dallas, Texas
photographed 4.14.2018


Well, of course there was graffiti right next to the “no graffiti” sign. We would have been disappointed if there hadn’t been some.

along Fabrication Avenue
Dallas, Texas
photographed 4.14.2018